+49 201 736 668
Alternator, with integrated regulator,12V 65A, 11/1967-1975, new
Art-Nr: [207022]
Mounting instructions for alternator with built-in regulator: Remove the plus cable from the battery.
Alternator: Remove the [plus] connection, the [exc] connection and the [R] connection from the alternator. Replace the original alternator with the alternator with built-in regulator.
Connect the [plus] cable to the B+ plus contact [6mm thread].
Connect the [exc] cable to D+ contact [contact shoe]. Insulate the 'R' cable.
Voltage regulator: Disconnect the yellow [exc] and the red [L] cable from the regulator and connect them together [these are the two outer terminals of the three screwed contacts]. Remove and insulate the cable which is plugged onto the contact shoe.
Remove and insulate the cable with the white [R] mark. the voltage regulator can be completely disassembled.
Connect the positive cable to the battery.
Note: On some models it is possible that the start relay attached to the positive terminal of the battery gets its ground connection via the regulator. These cars have a built-in fuse so that the starter cannot be operated when the engine is running and the alternator is charging. On these models [semi-automatic 9/69 and IE models and above] the ground switched by the regulator must be replaced by a fixed ground connection.
This can be achieved by connecting the brown marked ground cable from the start relay to ground in the dashboard [Volume I of the repair manual for operation DX 510-00f cable (32) or (47)].